Why your glute exercises aren't helping you

It seems everyone has a problem with their glutes right now. At least every second person that visits my clinic, tells me that another therapist has told them that their glutes are inactive/weak/not firing or insert any other glute related term that is the flavour of the month right now. 

Funnily enough, 10 years ago, this isn't a thing that I heard so much. So have we all gotten weak butts all of a sudden? Heck even K-Mart now sells a set of bands to get the masses to crabwalk and clamshell their butts back to burliness.

But are all of your glute exercises and squats actually fixing the issue with your glutes?

Here I'll answer this, as well as leaving the question open, as to why are the 2 most popular glute exercises named after sealife?

Is sitting the problem....?

It could be argued that the rise in the need to fire up everyone's glutes is related to the increased time we spend sitting. As a result, it is said, our pelvis position anteriorly tilts, meaning the glutes are...

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Go Hard or Go Home is Bullshit.

Go Hard or Go Home is Bullshit.
If you are soldier or someone who needs to do super tough-feel-like dying in the mud jazz, then this rant here  doesn't apply to you. The mental edge, and ability to push your body well beyond normal limits is necessary for you to not die. Having said that, it does need to be interspersed with periods of rest and lesser intensity training, but still, this rant is more targeted to Susan who decided a couple of years ago, that hiring a trainer would be a great way to lose weight and get fit again.
Enter Billy Biceps, who didn't quite make it in the Army, but has decided that, given that everyone in the military movies seems to be very shouty and loud, that Susan would appreciate being made to feel like shit a couple of times a week in order to get into shape. 
Now you may have heard me rant about my problems with constant high intensity training and the go hard or go home mentality. I've spoken on...
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