Standing desks are the new smoking?

By now, most if us have heard terms such as "sitting is the new smoking," and other catchy headlines in a similar vein. And it's true, inactivity is seen as being the 4th leading risk factor death globally behind high blood pressure, smoking and high blood glucose. Soooo, not quite the new smoking, but arguably, inactivy could certainly be linked to increasing the risk of the high blood pressure and glucose. 
Whilst exercise is the seemingly obvious weapon to throw on the front line here, smashing yourself at the gym for a few sessions a week, despite the massive amounts of sweat and swearing that may be involved, still does nothing to combat the risks of sitting for a long time. The pride that you may feel the next day as you lament your crushed quads at the office desk, is short lived, as it is the practice of periods of sitting and inactivity that are the stimulus for bad health juju. 
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