DOMS-Does Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness really mean you had an effective workout yesterday?

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, despite everyone having heard of it, is still something we still haven't quite nutted out exactly what happens. We think that the soreness part is caused by inflammation as a response to muscle tearing that happens when we exercise, especially when performing exercise we aren't accustomed to, as anyone who has started a new gym program, or even taken part in exercise they aren't used to would know.

Usually DOMS is most prominent following exercise that involves eccentric actions, whereby the muscle is brought under load at length, and tends to peak at around 48 hours, but sometimes can make stairs a leap of faith, even after a few days. 

 Often, both trainers, and those getting trained look to DOMS as an indicator of whether or not the previous workout was any good, usually with the trainer taking way too much pride in how much they made their client hurt.

 In line with my philosophy on the fact that anyone can make a workout...

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