Somatype. Yet another fitness industry myth that doesn't actually help weight loss or adding muscle.

"You should diet or exercise based on your bodytype...."

 We've all heard the terms ectomorph, endopmorph and mesomorph floating around. Whether it is in the gym, or even during physical education class at school, or some trainers may have even heard it during their PT certification. It seems pretty legit right? The premise that we are all different body types? Well, no really, once you start to think about it.

 Somatotyping is a a system of taxonomy developed by psychologist (yes psychologist) William Sheldon to place different human physiques into the 3 categories of ectomorph (skinny), endomorph (fat) and mesomorph (muscle-obviously these are very simplified explanations).

Sheldon used these classifications as the basis for his theory of Consitutional Psychology where he developed a theory that involved each of these 3 physiques being related to a certain type of temperament. Basically the ectomorph is apparently a little anxious, mesomorph ...

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