What would need to happen in order for you to move better and feel stronger?

(And perform better in sport and real life??)

Read below to discover a scientifically proven system that helps athletes and weekend warriors create usable strength and agility-without wasting time bouncing between therapies and techniques that don't work.


Men are from Mars?


Not quite, but we are made a little bit different in comparison to our fairer counterparts.


You don’t need a degree to see the difference in aspects such as the sacrum concavity, pubic arch or the Pelvic inlet that allows for making people. While these differences creates changes in centre of mass between sexes, men also suffer from having less extensibility of their muscles (ref). Owning man bits myself, and having helped thousands of men move and feel better, I’ve become aware that throwing unisex solutions, or worse, throwing a lycra-less man into a female packed yoga session is as helpful as a glass hammer.

Men who continue to work on these generic solutions are doing more harm than good. Stretching muscles that already are long due to unique pelvic positions, isn’t just pulling your body into more opportunity for pain and dysfunction, it may also be making relative muscle groups weaker. I see the result of this everyday, creating solutions for men of all sorts in my clinic, and over the course of a decade of teaching yoga, I was aware that I wasn’t able to deliver a session that would do justice for helping men and women equally.


Not Really Yoga for men combines my clinical work, and my unique take on whats missing from yoga, to create a system that not only caters for the unique attributes of the male form, but also creates real life usable strength and mobility, to avoid injury and improve performance. Not Really Yoga fills the gaps of traditional yoga, through the addition of using massage balls for specialised release work, and creating functional strength around joints. Not Really Yoga for men is the solution that all men need to move and feel better-not just perform pretty yoga poses a little nicer.

What is it??

Not Really Yoga for Men is an online platform that has brought together my years of working with men in both yoga and clinical practice, to offer classes and routines that can get you moving better, and preventing injury, in as little as 5 minutes a day. Choose a session to prevent injury or improve performance, or choose a 5 minute area specific session to work on injury or niggles. Not Really Yoga uses massage balls, stretching and cutting edge strengthening techniques to make sure the work you do is usable of the mat. Some members have called it "functional stretching." Because yoga just makes you better at yoga.


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Not Really Yoga for men arms you with the tools to move better in the comfort of your own home, when and where you need it. While this may work great for you, some people don’t do so well with this freedom and autonomy. That’s why you will have access to our members only facebook group, and have me personally on hand to answer questions and give you the kick in the behind when you might need, when you need it.

Get this offer NOW!


My name is Glenn Phipps. Over the last couple of decades I've evolved my clinical Exercise Physiology skills, combined with my past background in yoga teaching, to help everyone from the worlds best athletes to weekend warriors, whether they are suffering injury, want to prevent them, or just want to feel like they are doing the best for their sport. 

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Avoiding injury and improving in your sport becomes easy when you have the right tools. This stuff isn't complicated. I've put in the hard yards to develop something that you can easily use in your own home in as little as 5 minutes a day. Try out my system today to retrain your movement and your mind so you can perform better in sport and life, free of injury. Click below to find out more.

"Glenn's knowledge and expertise is first class and would benefit anyone from a professional to a weekend warrior"

Jon Albon
Spartan Race World Champ (and much more!)

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