How to fix your niggles and improve your performance in as little as 5 minutes a day

Most people don’t like body maintenance. They say they do, but the majority of athletes and weekend warriors wait until they have a “thing” until they do the right things for the “thing.”

Don’t get me wrong, plenty of people out there are foam rolling until the cows come home, and even stretching and doing yoga. But really addressing what your body needs, takes a little bit more thought, and preparation, because let's face it, foam rolling is pretty accessible and great to chat to your mates pre or post workout as you lay about, but is it really actually helping you? ( it isn’t)

Like anything that is good for your body, a program designed to keep your body in tip-top shape should be specific.
In the Not Really Yoga system we ensure we are doing the right thing by basing what we do on a few super logical and simple principles;

* stretch whats short, strengthen whats long
* stretching only makes you good at stretching
* the body resets to its previous position with every single step

These should be common knowledge, yet everyyyywhere, people are spending hours, and gazillions of dollars, putting there body through positions, classes and treatments that do nothing to ensure ongoing and lasting improvement in the things they want help in.

We can understand the 3 points above by realising that stretching muscles that are already long, may pull our body further into undesirable resting positions, or even into positions where muscles don’t contract in order to pull bones and joints to neutral positions. Often muscles that are longer in this manner, need to be strengthened to give balance to joints, and allow us to find neutral positions, in order to access ranges of motion in ALL available directions. If we only do this through stretching however, the brain never fully understands how to utilise these ranges of motion. Not Really Yoga, also uses neural priming techniques to ensure that the range of motion you achieve in your session, actually crosses over into the activities you want to be better at.

This can take as little as 5 minutes a day through applying the following techniques.
* Work the joint through all ranges of motion under control
* Release the muscle insertion through massage ball techniques, not hit and miss for rolling in the muscle belly
* Stretch the target muscle and teach the body to activate the opposing group to use the new range
* Integrate neural patterns and movement drills in order to have lasting impact of your session

Not Really Yoga is the ONLY system that allows you to integrate ALL of these things together, AND in only 5 minutes a day. If you would like to more about the techniques, and how to use them in your routine, please click here for a FREE 4 part video series on how you can use these techniques to be pain free, and perform at your best.


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