Not Really Yoga creator, Glenn Phipps

So Why should I trust you...? 

This is the page that I tell you stuff about me. And generally you don't really care about my ability to make the greatest Nachos known to mankind, you just want to know if I am any good. 
Even though social media, particularly in the health and fitness space, is built around peacocking to make what you have done seem a little bit better, that's not really my vibe, so I'll let you know about a few things I've done.
I'm proud to have worked with a huuuuge range of athletes from World champion boxers to the best Obstacle racers in the word. I've helped watermen and women work through injury to claim titles they thought that were impossible, and I've helped average Joes and Josies overcome obstacles and hit goals that even surprised themsleves. 
I've been a part on redesigning the way the military in Australia approaches exercise assessment and programming, and have consulted on a range of fitness products. I have been published in academic journals, and even received an award for my nerdiness from the governing body that lets people claim the Exercise Physiologist title (my official working status). My knowledge has seen me move beyond making people move better, to consult with product development, write programs for trainers and social media celebrities, television appearances and lot's of other fun stuff that I was made to believe would never be possible.
My personal background in health and fitness has been a rocky one. From being on the bad end of the broscience stick as an confused and misled athlete, to having to work through constant injury as a result of said bad advice. I've had to redefine my place in the sporting world after working through chronic illness and a resulting kidney transplant, and while breaking world records are no longer my pursuit, putting my knowledge forward to help others is. I'm more than sympathetic to the notion of just wanting to be able to do your sport better and not get hurt, as that is exactly my place right now, and something I excel at helping people do.
My career has been based on one thing; 
Be good at what you do and be good to other people. 
I have little time for people in this industry that don't adhere to this.
What I have built in this program is the result of over 2 decades of development. Initially built on 20 years of yoga, and over a decade of teaching it, academic research and solid trial and error, Not Really Yoga draws on the same techniques and philosophies that I have used to get great athletes performing better and even grannies getting their stride back.
If you still think I sound a little shady, send me an email. Or feel free to direct me to a Nachos that may be able to beat mine. Even better, sign up and judge for yourself.


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"Since working with Glenn, I feel more confident Iā€™m on track with my training which gives me confidence come race day, even with a bulging disc in my back Glenn has helped me manage. Iā€™m truly grateful to have him on my team "

Terrene Black
Stand Up Paddle World Champion

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Get instant access to this video series showing;


  • How you are harming your perfromance and increasing injury risk through outdated practices
  • How to make simple tweaks to your stretching to make it last and improve performance and prevent injury
  • 3 strategies to include in your mobility sessions to ensure the best results
  • How the way you are using a massage ball may be making things worse, and how to use it properly